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Congratulations! Your work won 22nd in Scratch Game Jam #11.

Come to the community and get your prize 400NG($0.4).

My discord username is tomasasas2 smth like that

hey i reviewed your project and 9 others here:



have you join our community?

yeah , i want my 11.4 cents back tho, no robux in my country no amazon

what's your name in discord?

It's a joke


hey i played your "game" and found it pretty interesting. is there any way to select multiple notes at the same time? i would like to be able to play a chord rather than just single notes. also i make yt videos about itch games like this one: 

would you like ur game to be reviewed in my next video???

yea, the game is for a game jam tho, about selecting multiple notes, no, you cant

not gonna update it, the game jam ends tomorrow

ok sounds good. ill take some gameplay footage now! and thanks for changing this font color. much easier to read now!